Securing SAP landscapes, 24/7: Industry leading intelligent automation from Avantra

Securing SAP landscapes, 24/7: Industry leading intelligent automation from Avantra

The SAP threat landscape

Cyber attacks on organisations that run SAP enterprise resource planning (ERP) software used to be relatively rare. Not any more. As digital transformation increasingly links SAP systems to online networks and hybrid or cloud environments, they are ever more at risk of a security breach.

There were 221 common vulnerabilities and exposures (CVE) in 2020 within SAP systems, compared with just one in 2001.1 One in five cyber attacks on SAP systems is successful.2

A secure SAP environment is critical to any organisation’s operational success. However, whilst SAP HotNews alerts users to new cyber threats, it is very difficult for individual enterprises to keep on top of these. How do they know which systems within their own landscapes are affected, what needs to be addressed rapidly and what can safely be ignored? Security teams have to undertake time consuming manual assessments, using a variety of different tools. Understandably, these may be done infrequently, leaving vulnerabilities unpatched and wide open to attack.