Reconciliation Simplified for Budgets

Reconciliation Simplified for Budgets


Operational costs are a major challenge for securities and investment firms. Of course, you need to keep infrastructure costs under control – but you also need to support a growing business without adding more headcount.

At the same time, your organization needs to comply with changing regulations – but with the sheer volume of directives and statutory obligations continuing to grow, the cost of keeping on top of regulation has never been higher. Additionally, internal governance rules and third-party commitments add to the complexity of running smooth back-office operations.

With every new regulatory demand comes the need to validate more cash, position and trade data. Month after month, firms are tasked to meet tight deadlines with complete and accurate data – an operational challenge that’s becoming undefeatable with current cost pressures and limited specialist skills.

Regulation continues to either emerge or evolve, creating a substantial threat of fines and reputational damage. Firms are turning to managed reconciliation services to drive operational performance and combat cost pressures.