What Is IoT Cloud Platform?

The Internet of Things (IoT) has been hailed as the most innovative and transformative industrial revolution that the world has ever seen. Familiar items and appliances are being infused with artificial intelligence in order to anticipate and respond to their users’ needs. Manufacturers worldwide are integrating data exchange through TCP/IP in all their product lines. AI integrates data from numerous objects and appliances and then enables them to communicate with each other, and then with their owner. They can range from familiar appliances like washing machines to advanced tech like robot dogs. But just to give an example of how IoT is being used today:  the smart refrigerator in your home duly notes that your stock of food is depleted, sends its report to your diet app installed on your phone, which then messages you to buy a bag of groceries from the health store nearest your home. It’s a world right out of science-fiction. IoT Cloud Platform is the architecture that makes it all possible to manage and operate that wonderful technology. 

What are the general functions and expected capabilities of IoT Cloud Platform?

Simply said, IoT Cloud Platform uses the capabilities of Cloud Computing to deliver an end-to-end service platform for IoT. The biggest names in cloud services and IT provide these services.

Machines apart from computers and smartphones have limitations on their ability to interact with their human operators. This is especially true for small machines. Using the power of cloud computing, we can move all those functions into the Cloud. The object or item that AI has suddenly turned smart would serve as an endpoint.

Cloud computing takes away the need to have strong computing power, persistent storage, and a hundred other technical requirements from the smart object, and transfers it to cloud. Given that, all human interfaces can be transferred to different, more robust, endpoints such as a mobile app or a web-based program.

When it comes to monitoring, the status of the smart object such as pacemakers or your car can be sent to the IoT Cloud Platform for authorized users to see.

A pacemaker is a good example. Since it is surgically implanted inside the body, it does not have an interface with AI.  The machine itself would run like the good little machine that it is, but like any machine, it eventually breaks down. But in its case, the breakdown can pose danger to a life. But with an IoT Cloud Platform, authorized personnel can monitor the patient’s heart condition, blood pressure, and the condition of the machine itself in real-time. It will be invaluable in saving more lives.

When it comes to maintenance, the IoT Cloud Platform makes it easier to make updates in all the connected devices which in turn will affect instantly the entire system. Updates through the connection to the cloud platform can bring new capabilities to the software it hosts.

What are the benefits of IoT cloud platform?

Having a centralized monitoring, management, and maintenance system has all sorts of advantages. The internet of things is literally machines talking to machines. Someday, when the AI matures while being hosted on the cloud, it will truly be a machine to machine communication with minimum human intervention. Until that time, an easy access cloud-based human input/output interface is the solution.

A centralized persistent storage system with unlimited scalability will allow data to be saved, retrieved, and processed in (almost) real-time and delivered on-demand. 

In fact, all the advantages (as well as disadvantages) of Cloud Computing will be the foundation for the proliferation of IoT.  The stage is set for the acceleration of the Internet of Things, and IoT cloud platform is the lead actor.

All this development raises the question of how will it benefit a company that adopts IoT into their product lines. IoT is the future of technology. Companies who are positioned to hit the ground running when that happens will have a sharp double-edged sword to cut down the competition.


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