How Does a Digital Workspace Help a Company Become Agile?

A digital workspace is one of the advantages of a modern company. Digital workplace and its inherent agility allow a company to transcend borders, time-zones, and localities.
They enable small companies to operate at scale and reach customers worldwide. They give any organization, not just enterprise-level multinationals, access to a global talent pool and the agility to match it.
What is a digital workspace?
According to Vmware, a digital workspace creates a holistic change in the way that technology which provides end-user services are offered. It can provide the information needed by employees to do their jobs. Digital workspace solutions create a self-service, out-of-the-box experience across different platforms for employees and provide them the tools they need to succeed.
It sounds like a marketing spiel to some people. That’s because definition conveys a vague concept, but not details. It becomes clearer when one understands that a digital workspace is a strategy and not a tangible object. There is no “standard solution” for it.
A digital workspace depends on the needs and focus of the company. Its implementation varies to fit those needs. It can be an extension of a traditional office or a fully virtualized corporate infrastructure. There are cases where an entire organization is composed of digital nomads and virtual workers.
A digital workspace is a holistic corporate solution where workstations can be any device, including tablets and mobile phones. It develops a situation where the office is literally at the palm of your hands.
What are the benefits of digital workspaces?
Digital workspaces are about timely delivery. Assuming there is an internet connection for all end-users, they can interface with corporate systems to perform their tasks.
A digital workspace can automate repetitive tasks and increase efficiency. There are occasions where digitization takes away employees altogether and lets the customers interact with the system on their own; one example is digital banking.
The components of a digital workspace provide the following advantages:
Automation – There’s a study that claims repetitive tasks cost $5 trillion in loss of productivity or its inefficiency. Identifying those costly procedures and having machines do them reduce errors and drastically lower turnaround time.
Talent pool – A virtualized workstation allows companies to hire employees globally without the need to put expensive branch offices in other locations.
Real-time communication – The internet can facilitate low-cost real-time text, voice, or video communications across long-distances. Contemporary solutions allow parties to connect with one another through webinars or virtual conferences.
Location-free- Delivery of products, services, and monetary transactions is possible with a digital workspace. Digitization also creates the possibility of interacting with other third-party services to add their business capabilities into your own.
Flexibility – The number of disruptive technologies and new business concepts coming out of the woodwork is rapidly changing the business environment. Modern management designs their company to adapt to those changes quickly.
How do agility and digital workspace relate to each other
A digital workspace is inherently agile. Hand-held devices are called mobile for a reason. As long as the public network connects, it has the same capabilities on the field as it would in the main office. The ability to bring your office where it can make the most impact has untold benefits in terms of sales, support, and operational efficiency.
Hosting the application layer in the cloud turns every smartphone and desktop in your office into a potential workstation for your organization. Security and access matters aside, this ability is equal to agility. You can move your office operations on the fly with that kind of functionality.
The ability to communicate with decision-makers on the field also elevates your business. It is especially true if there is more than one stakeholder in the matter. It takes time and resources to get several busy people in the same room to discuss a subject of varying importance. A digital workplace can virtualize a conference and allow stakeholders to communicate with each other using their own devices from the location of their choice.
Cloud-based infrastructure simplifies maintenance, upgrade, and security for the IT department. Ease of maintenance and freedom from technical constraints is another form of agility.
A digital workspace leverages the power of technology to an organization from many limitations that would not be possible to a mere brick-and-mortar company. The strategy makes it easier to conduct typical business workflows, reduces choke points, and removes inefficiencies while adding more technical and business capabilities.
A digital workspace enables a company to become more agile and competitive especially in this digital age. Utilized properly, it can bring that organization to its next high level.