What Are Container-based Applications?

Container-based applications are software employing loosely connected microservices built using platforms such as Docker, Kubernetes, and Amazon Elastic Container Service (AECS).
Container-based applications are prepackaged code with its own operating system to interface with the server infrastructure; this system removes the need for a guest OS commonly found in other virtualized implementations. Container applications are stacked in neat layers with the OS layer as its base. On top of it is the orchestrator layer which acts as the hypervisor or manager for the run time programs. The next layer is the dependency layer, which calls out all the necessary third party software/code needed to run the container. The top layer is the run time programs or image that contains the specific function/s of the container application.
Run Time Program
Dependency Layer
Operating System
What are the benefits of container-based applications
Agility – Containerized apps technically act as microservices. It is one of many functions that run a system. However, it is also an independent program. It can be replaced, updated, and deleted without having to shut down the entire system.
If a container crashes, it doesn’t break the entire system. It can be restarted without stopping other parts. It drastically reduces maintenance and error downtime.
Consistency – A container-based application prepackaged with its own OS comes with distinct advantages. It can work with any other configuration since the application interfaces with the infrastructure directly. That said, it can be moved to different servers with ease. If there are also changes in the infrastructure, it very rarely has a negative impact on container applications.
Productivity – Container architecture is so simple and light-weight it can be deployed, updated, or replaced within minutes. Its functions are also straightforward, making them easy to debug and scale. Both attributes can increase the productivity of development teams.
Isolation – Because containers act as a stand-alone program as far as the infrastructure is concerned, it can be protected from security breaches such as worms, Trojans, and other forms of malicious code insertion attack methods. However, because they can be configured to interact with other processes in the OS, it can also become susceptible to said breaches.
What are the differences between Virtual Machines and Container Platforms
A virtual machine is an emulated computer system that shares the resources of a particular infrastructure. It allows one server (or server cluster) to create virtualized environments to fit different technical needs. It is achieved by having another (Guest) OS on top of the infrastructure OS to create a virtualized environment. There are many advantages to this. It allows resource-sharing, software-defined infrastructure, and isolation. It uses a technology solution called a Hypervisor to achieve these goals.
For Container-based applications, the container platform acts as the hypervisor. However, since containers have their own prepackaged OS, they can interface directly with the server infrastructure. This process skips a step to function, saving time and resources.
Why you should use container-based applications
There are very few drawbacks when transitioning to container technology for your next digital upgrade cycle. A Forrester survey shows that adopting container technology results in a significant increase in deployment speed, better security, and more efficiency.
Container apps can be used on top of your current infrastructure and help you save on hypervisor and Host OS subscription. C-level executives of the top Fortune 100 companies agree. Over half of them have already transitioned to containers, and Google is even proud to say that everything it has runs on containers.
There are various reasons for adopting container-based applications logic, popularity, or simply because it just makes more business sense to be efficient while cheaper. Ultimately, it is one important way to move your digitization plans forward.