What is Employer Branding? Why Is it Trending in 2020?

Employer branding refers to a company’s reputation as an employer, including the perceptions, impressions, and feelings that come with it. In a Smallbizgenius report, 80% of HR leaders claim that employer branding has a significant impact on a company’s ability to attract talent. LinkedIn reports that 52% of job seekers look into a company’s site or social media to learn more about the employer.

In an age where so many forms of media are able to draw people towards various causes and interests, companies that are the most visible are more likely to attract today’s modern generation of talent. However, visibility is not the only key. The quality of what is presented can make or break the company. For it is not only HR or marketing that builds the company’s brand. The increase of social platforms now gives voice to the opinions of current–and even–former employees. “What might they say about your company?”— this is a key question confronting employers in 2020.

Consider the following when building a strategy for your employer branding campaign:

Audience reach – Again, this is about visibility. Make sure you reach a large enough audience to attract top talent.

Visually appealing material – Content that looks good not only attracts an audience; it’s important to showcase the company’s leadership position in the industry, its expertise, and its credibility. Visuals can evoke impressions of professionalism, fun, innovation–anything that you’d like to communicate about your company’s winning culture.

Fast and easy consumption – Not everyone wants to read a corporate whitepaper. The young talents of today want to enjoy the content they are consuming. They want to experience it in various forms, from blogs to videos. They are also very time-conscious:  they want to get as much information as they can, in the fastest amount of time.

Easy maintenance and deployment – The frequency and consistency of your communication can impact visibility and reputation. Use tools that allow you to release regular updates and content on your brand.

What are the tools for employer branding?

Employer branding can be approached in different ways using tools that boost visibility and help make a good impression.  Here are some useful tools you can look into:

  • Recruitment software and platforms – These platforms allow you to go directly to your target audience by allowing you to access candidate information and post relevant information in your job ads and company profile. You’ll have the avenue to push content to the right people at the right time. Some versions of software have tracking features and data analytics to aid you in your recruitment efforts.

  • Social media – This is a surefire way of boosting your online presence. With so many options for social media these days, you’ll want to make sure your company shows up on the platforms that are likely to attract the kind of talent you need. Social media also gives you an opportunity to allow your own employees to help you build your employer brand. Your way of promoting your brand on Facebook might be more casual and free-flowing than on LinkedIn where you might want to emphasize the business side of your company. 
  • Content creation – You’ll want content that is “loud” and attractive. Much of the viral content in social media nowadays comes in the form of memes or videos. Depending on your company’s culture, you may want to look into applications that will make it easy for you to create graphics or video content with little investment needed.
  • Data visualization software – Because any kind of information is now available in the palm of our hands, gone are the days when data didn’t matter to people. Job seekers now care about numbers and statistics. Ratings and reviews matter to them as well, and you’ll find these all over the internet. Data visualization software will allow you to make interesting infographics and presentations for your branding campaign.

Why do you need a strong employer brand in 2020?

According to The Human Capital Institute, 55 percent of candidates say they will not work for a company that is known or notorious for its bad reviews. Top talents in 2020 are the kind who care about benefits that go beyond compensation; they want to feel proud about the company they work for and belong to. Many candidates are looking for trustworthy employers who match their preferences in terms of culture, flexibility, mission, and level of prestige. A strong employer brand is the first step in finding out if the company and the applicant are a fit. It is also instrumental in attracting the top qualified talent companies are looking for.


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