5 Trailblazing Companies Winning in Data-Driven Innovation

5 Trailblazing Companies Winning in Data-Driven Innovation

Boost Business Productivity with Cloud Data Management

How confident are you in your data strategy? Currently, 94% of CEOs are pursuing a digital-first strategy — and cloud is an essential part of that strategy.1

As organizations continue to look for ways to optimize costs and resources, leverage AI and increase productivity, a data management solution for modernizing analytics in the cloud is pivotal.

Start leveling up your data management strategy to drive data-driven business transformation. That’s what these five forward-thinking organizations did — and you can too.

In our eBook, “How Freddie Mac and Other Trailblazers Increased Business Productivity with Data Management,” you’ll access success stories with impressive results:

  • Shrank ETL efforts by 90%
  • Cut infrastructure build time by 75%
  • Reduced data warehouse design time by 50%
  • Shortened data integration development and maintenance lifecycle by 50%

Discover how companies are achieving better productivity, greater flexibility and simpler development with the right data management and data integration solution by their side.


1IDC, The C-Suite Tech Agenda for the Future Enterprise: The Role of Cloud, ISV Partners, and the Broader Ecosystem, May 2022


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