Earning Trust, Driving Growth

Earning Trust, Driving Growth

Customers move fast and they need banking, insurance, and financial services institutions (FSIs) to keep up. They have grown to expect reliable, personalized support on any device, at any time, wherever they are in the world. When filing a claim, planning for the future, or depositing a check, customers want the same convenience as offered by their favorite ride-hailing or streaming services. Starting a new account should seem as easy as opening an app. Contacting customer service should feel as effortless as texting a friend. Business hours should be whenever customers can get online.

The challenge is providing these conveniences while maintaining strict data privacy and security compliance. That is why many FSIs invest in digital transformation on Amazon Web Services (AWS).

AWS provides global infrastructure and services across banking, payments, capital markets, and insurance. It offers in-depth expertise to help FSIs make modern customer conveniences not only attainable but practical and secure. Whether your business wants to deploy a ready-made solution or build something new from the ground up, you won’t do it alone. The AWS Financial Services Competency Partners highlighted in this book are ready to help.

For example, UnionBank of the Philippines can reach more unbanked customers with its new cloud-first strategy developed with Infosys. And Bendigo and Adelaide Bank worked with Contino, a Cognizant Company, to migrate to the AWS Cloud to comply with new customer data protection requirements.

Learn more about how these AWS Financial Services Competency Partners are helping FSIs serve customers better in every corner of the business.


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