Accelerate time-to-value in mergers, acquisitions, and divestitures

Accelerate time-to-value in mergers, acquisitions, and divestitures

As organizations prepare for M&A, the overall IT integration strategy is too often overlooked. Companies that simply integrate technology stacks into existing architectures under the time constraints of M&A will experience significant challenges if they haven't prepared for the complexity.

Instead, meet this challenge head-on by crafting the right integration strategy to accommodate upcoming mergers, acquisitions, and divestitures.

Using a composable approach as the bedrock of your M&A IT integration strategy, you can connect systems and applications using reusable and purposeful APIs to accelerate time-to-value and enable IT teams to deliver with increased speed, security, and agility.

Read this whitepaper to learn from MuleSoft and PwC's M&A experts and explore:

  • The growing gap between deal volume and value creation, and the opportunity to impact deal outcomes with IT integration
  • Key components of successful M&A IT integration strategies and how technology leaders can drive value for the business
  • How to unlock your strategy and ensure M&A success with MuleSoft and PwC

Organizations must consider whether or not their IT integration strategy lays the foundation for future success by enabling the business to adapt quickly. With a composable approach, you have the flexibility to adapt to whatever M&A challenges may come — all with the ability to scale.


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