Vodafone Case Study

Vodafone Case Study

Vodafone Business, the enterprise-specific extension of Vodafone Group PLC, connects people, places, and things around the world, providing telecommunications and IT services to 1500 customers in 150 countries. Accounting for 30% of Vodafone Group PLC’s revenue, Vodafone Business has made its core mission to help businesses succeed in a digital world.

Key Takeaways

  • Innovate for scalability.
    Instead of needing to create a custom solution for every customer, Vodafone Business came up with a simple self-service solution where customers can personalize available features and functionality. Customers get exactly what they need and Vodafone Business is able to save time.
  • Keep the people behind the technology at the forefront.
    Digital transformation is first and foremost about empowering people, not just implementing the latest technologies. Placing the customer at the center was and is key to Vodafone Business’s success.
  • Cloud is the future.
    Migrating to Liferay DXP Cloud allowed Vodafone Business to reduce costs and drive productivity up. Functionality can go from idea to deployment faster.


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