The New Competitive Edge: Analytics-Driven Supply Chain Design

The New Competitive Edge: Analytics-Driven Supply Chain Design

By taking advantage of the latest supply chain design practices and tools, companies can capture significant gains in operational efficiency and competitiveness.

As global supply chains become increasingly complex, tactics for managing and mitigating risk, building resilience, and supporting sustainability now play a more important role in the design of supply chain networks than ever before. The challenge for supply chain leaders, therefore, is not just to respond to market developments but also to acquire the flexibility through new design paradigms to keep up with the accelerating speed of change.

This executive guide, developed in collaboration between the Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s Center for Transportation & Logistics (MIT CTL) and Coupa, presents a vision for future-proof, analytics-driven supply chain design and planning approaches and offers four specific strategies - supported by real-world examples - for putting that vision into practice, including:

  • Extend the scope of supply chain design
  • Incorporate tactical decision making
  • Account and plan for risk and resilience
  • Adapt new technologies and business models


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