2023 Sales Trends Report + UK Spotlight

2023 Sales Trends Report + UK Spotlight


Sales has evolved over the past several years. All industries have seen a shift from in-person selling and networking to virtual and hybrid strategies. Automation and technology have redefined sales efficiency, and new sales intelligence apps join the marketplace weekly. During a time of economic uncertainty, efficiency is top of mind for sales leaders, who are experiencing budget cuts and tighter margins.

Today, we've seen that sales managers measure productivity based on CRM usage. With longer sales cycles and more relationship-building prior to closing deals, CRMs have proven critical to keeping track of prospects and meeting their needs at scale, while keeping operational costs down.

Younger generations are gaining decision-making power and growing in the sales force, and they communicate much differently than previous generations. They've grown up as digital natives, and many have never worked in an office environment. Fundamental sales strategies remain effective, but with new tweaks to fit into today's tech stack.


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