Ecommerce at MACH Speed With MongoDB and Commercetools

Ecommerce at MACH Speed With MongoDB and Commercetools

The MACH approach is an optimized alternative to traditional ecommerce platforms. Microservices, API-first, cloud-native SaaS, and headless architectures result in reduced TCO, enhanced speed of operations and productivity, and the best possible customer experience. Committing to the MACH approach means a change in both a technological and organizational mindset, but it is ultimately one that prepares an organization for the speed and agility required for modern ecommerce.

Read on to learn the perspective from founding MACH Alliance members MongoDB, the developer data platform that underpins commerce tools, the world’s most flexible commerce experience platform. Access real-time data, AI integration, rich product search and discovery, and other essential ecommerce and retailing features.


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