Entering the Cloud: Guide for Small Cybersecurity Teams

Entering the Cloud: Guide for Small Cybersecurity Teams

The increasing role of the cloud has been accompanied by increased risks. In 2020, cyberattacks on cloud services rose by 630%. Then, in 2021, for the first time ever, attacks on cloud infrastructure surpassed attacks on-premises targets. Is it any wonder that 72% of security pros feel “extremely” concerned about their ability to secure their cloud systems?

This eBook provides a path forward for small security teams. After outlining key cloud security risks and challenges, it explains how to overcome them with a strategy that is sustainable, scalable, and (most importantly) achievable!

Download this eBook to discover:

  • The top cloud threats and challenges facing small security teams
  • Which cloud weaknesses hackers are aiming to exploit
  • Key considerations to selecting a cloud security vendor
  • How to reduce risk with XDR working alongside SSPM or CSPM


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