Visualize to Monetize

Visualize to Monetize

In this ever-changing business landscape, we see 'the survival of the data fittest' are organizations that are both adopting a data transformation and harnessing the monetization of that data.

All organizations, large or small, have data and the potential to leverage this data to build better experiences for customers, partners and vendors is waiting to be untapped. There's an opportunity for businesses to monetise data but what could that look like and what's the value?

Visualize to Monetize book explores this.

Download the book in which Pete Chizlett, RVP Embedded Analytics EMEA, shares his insights into:

  • What Data Monetization is, why companies are choosing it, and the value it brings with examples of Tableau customers.
  • How to use data as a 'Competitive Differentiator' in the market.
  • The analytics capabilities in the Tableau platform which allows users to create useful dashboards and share them externally.
  • How Tivian, a Tableau customer and leader in experience intelligence management, uses Tableau in their product offering to help service their customers with data analytics.


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